Monday, June 20, 2011

Productive life pt 2.

continuing on from my last post. do you use a diary or planner for each day. this is a good idea there are many ways to set out a diary. you can buy many sorts including notebooks, specific diaries with day per-page, week in view, month in view, etc or you can get an electronic diary organiser, in a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) you might nave one built into your cellphone or an on-line calendar/diary application.   I prefer to use Google Calendar which also links to my mobile phone. 

now you can start with the things each day that you have to do such as get up have a shower, eat breakfast, pack for the days deities, work, pick up the children, etc the smallest thing is important, especially if you are starting out. when you complete a task tick it off as done. You will be surprised if you wright it down and plan it out then actually follow this you will see how satisfying it is to see how much you did get done that day.  

Productive life pt 1......

its so easy for things in life to get in the way of the important things. such important things are what we have to do.  now how important are they.
  1. High importance and high urgency
  2. Low importance and high urgency 
  3. High importance and low urgency 
  4. Low importance and Low urgency
The first place is High importance and high urgency.
This is the things in life that are most important and have to be done immediately, or some time today. No reasonable person would leave it undone.
The second place is Low importance and High urgency.
This is usually our responsibility but not completely urgent but still needs doing.
Find the best time.
The third place is High importance and low urgency.
usually these things are proactive we add value to them. These should be a long term positive influence in out lives but sadly often don't.
The Forth and final place is Low importance and Low urgency
these are the things that we think are time wasting. the things that become distractions if we focus on them to much.
here is an interesting sideshow about this. chick here
where do things in your life fit. E.G. work, family, time spent on your computer, watching tv, doing housework, catching up with friends etc. the list goes on.
20% of what you do produces 80% of your results
80% of what you produce produces 20% of your results.
the 80-20 rule. clich here
it has be documented that if we right things down and read them we are more likely to actually do them. things like goal setting. using the 4 principles of what is important wright down where things fit now in your life so you can see them, be honest. next wright down where you feel they should be.
also wright down some goals you would like to achieve and see where they fit.
now if you are planning on going on a trip overseas think what you can do. you can break it down. Brainstorm some things that need to happen for it to take place.
  • you might set a time you would like to go,
  • what you need is the money, could start saving
  • would you like to invite anyone
  • the things you need to pack
  • Passport up to date.
the list goes on. You can also fit these goals into the 4 levels of importance above. you might put saving money as a high importance and low urgency. so you put aside a set amount each week.

Things get in the way.

Its so easy for things in life to get in the way of the important things. such important things are what we have to do.  now how important are they.  

  1. High importance and high urgency
  2. High importance and low urgency 
  3. Low importance and high urgency 
  4. Low importance and Low urgency

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Joy Ministries communion notes

Here are my communion notes i talked on at the 12th june Joy Ministries service

Communion Sermon.

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

What is communion ?
communion is also called “The Lord’s Supper” because of the fact that Jesus started it.

Why do we take communion ?
  1. Because Jesus commanded us to, He told us to.
  2. So we can remember what Jesus did for us.
  • Who knows what Jesus did for us ?
  • Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for our sin
  • It is embarrassing when someone knows you by name but you can’t remember his or her name. We need reminders.
  1. c

God, Who created us, knows that we don’t have the greatest memories.
• Throughout the entire Bible we see that God was always setting up memorials for His people.
• Whenever a significant event would happen, the patriarchs would build an altar.
• When the people of Israel crossed the Jordan River they set 12 stones by the river bank to serve as a memorial to that event.
• Whenever their children walked by and saw the stones the parents would tell them about God’s miraculous entrance for them into the Promise Land.

Every time we communion
  • We do it together to help remind each other what Jesus did.
  • Jesus left us with a picture so we would never forget.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Life is so good.

Good is this life we live. Blessed are we when God is on your side. Trust in God and He will never get you down.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Queens Birthday Weekend 2011

Hi this weekend is Queens Birthday weekend. My friend Jean was thinking of going away to see some friends and Dropped me of in Tauranga on the way.  Its been nice to get away, came down on Friday morning and arrived here at round 11am. Will be going back on Tuesday morning. Friday was just a nice relaxing time for me to spend away by myself.. Saturday was out and about a trek around a few 2nd hand shops (where I found a great pair of jeans and jacket) and a few places where my mum needed to go. Also Mum insisted on getting me a hair cut (which i must say was needed), feels good to ditch the growing rambling mullet style i was growing and get a really nice shape. then off to see Family Mums twin Aunt Jill and family for dinner and a fun game of Cranium. .........more to come.............

Thursday, June 2, 2011

An Interesting Week

Not much happened. But i do like the essential Jesus bible study my church is doing. back to basics back to Jesus