Well last week I was looking up flylady (ministry encouraging messy people to become clean, thru the life of The Flylady, who founded it, and others who have joined).
Flylady was talking about getting up and ready down to your laceup shoes. Not just lounging around the house in your pjs. The idea behind this is to get yourself ready, dressed, and prepared for the day. Its a process we need to go thru to prepare the mind for cleaning. If you don't prepare yourself and just stay in your pjs your mind is not prepared, not ready to clean.
I was also talking to someone the other day about goal setting. Many people are good at having an idea, researching, and not goal setting. Goal setting is not just an idea. The end goal does not change, if it does then its not a goal but an idea.
Here is what I have been thinking about.
Be prepared for the day.
*1.Sleep: having a good sleep is what is needed. Eg start getting ready at 9.30pm to be in bed by 10pm
*2.Wake up: Make sure you getup with enough time to get ready eg Set alarm for 7.30am 2nd alarm 8am get up.
*3.Dress up each day: Each day get up have a wash. Get dressed and ready down to shoes. This helps prepare your mind for the day ahead. Even if you are not doing much, like weekends
*4.Breakfast: have a good breakfast. Helps our body get the energy it needs for the day.
*5.Ready: be ready to leave for work with enough time for you to get there.
*6.Plan: Plan out what I will do for day. Cleaning goal, shopping day etc. Good for days off work.
GOAL: set a time and date to achieve the goal buy.
PLAN: steps to achieve the goal
RESEARCH: Find out what it may cost. Where you can get it. What exactly you will need. Etc
So goal setting and routines, can help us achieve what we want. reassess the steps often to make sure you are on track. If not work out why, and if needed create new, or modify old steps so you can achieve the goal.
I hope this will encourage people to set goals, plans, routines and improve their daily lives.