My cleaning has begun yet again.
My day usually consists of,
- Getting up (around 10am),
- having a small feed,
- getting on my computer and just blobbing,
- going to work for 2hours in the afternoons,
- get home and jump on the computer
- try to cook some dinner if i don't get distracted.
- go to bed between 10pm and 1am
This cycle goes on and on and my house begins to suffer. i get things out dump them where they are and such like.
- I get lazy,
- I put things off,
- I spend to much time on my computer,
- I can't always see where i can start.
Last year Needing a new computer i saved up for a Macbook Pro got a good deal and was able to do it. I got it for a few reasons but one was so i could make use of Garageband and record y own music wright songs etc.
I have played a few times on garageband testing out how to use it but... i have not really done anything serious with it yet.
Recently this year i saved for a usb microphone to add to my Garageband setup. but have not made good use of this either as i don't have a place to set it up. well I do but its in such a mess that i cant use it properly.
I am sick of this, if i don't do something then soon its was a waste me getting the usb mic etc
Over the past week I made a start once again to clean my house. I want to get my office/music room cleaned up so i can really get into
playing, recording, and writing music. combining my usb mic +
garageband or jamming along with my favourite music.
so I have made a start. i will be doing some documentation along the way using pictures, videos etc. to encourage myself and share with the world.
I received an email from the Flylady network the other day that encouraged me so i have posted it below. Flylady is a ministry to people who are messy it has grown into an extensive group of like minded people with tips, tricks, and hints for all kinds of things relating to how to clean up the clutter in your life. (for more information of flylady and the flylady way click here or see the facebook page click here)
This email encouraged me
My Car Into The Garage
Dear FlyLady,
days ago I did something I haven't done in over six years,- and two
cars ago... I drove my car INTO my garage!! I was truly in shock to
the point that I sat IN the car INSIDE my garage for several minutes
just looking through my car windows into the garage thinking, "this
is for real! I REALLY am sitting in MY car in MY garage!"
Finally I laughed at myself and told myself to get out of the car and go in the house. The next morning I went out the front door as usual and had an EMPTY driveway and thought , "WHERE is my car??".ha-ha. it was only for a moment but it made me smile. So I walked back inside and went out the door that leads into my garage... I opened the door and stood there saying, "There's a car in my garage!! ..there's a car in MY garage!." (Of course I was saying this to my little dog who is my constant companion.)
Do you know that when I let him into the garage EVEN THE DOG knew something was different and did his little "doggie happy dance spinning around and barking".??!.. It's not finished yet, but now I even get excited and want to go work in there some more because of the great sense of accomplishment it gave me that I CAN really do this. I can see progress and feel hope. I do want to share a tip that Flyday might not think is best BUT it sure worked for me.
As I worked through the piles and boxes I tried to remember the "give away, throw away, put away" motto, BUT I kept running into things that I just couldn't decide or make up my mind what to "do" with it!! I was so double minded about certain sentimental items or things I might want to keep or give away.
Then I remembered what teachers in school taught me about taking a timed test... if you don't know an answer to a question-skip that one- don't lose time-move on to the next question and keep going. THEN at the end of the test if there is still time left go back to the one that snagged you up...Wow!- for me that translated into realizing that is exactly what I was doing in the garage!.. I was getting "snagged up on ONE item when there were literally at least a hundred others to "decide" about.
So I put that principle into place. I created my own , "I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT " pile. I put the things I got stuck on into a box beside me as I went through the garage. It worked GREAT! I kept moving forward and making progress... and not stressed about "did I do the right thing with "that last thing?"... THen a couple of days later when I went back in the garage to work some more- almost without thinking about it I could glance at my "I don't know what to do with it box" and chunk out another two or three things without any double mindedness at all.
Eventually my newly titled "box" emptied out too while I kept moving along. I sure hope this might help someone else that gets "stuck" with double mindedness about clutter items. The car in the garage has given me so much hope. It is one of the "worst" areas of my entire home. NOW I can use the garage for a "staging area', as I move things out of the inside of my home to "clear a room" of unnecessary items- and use the garage to be my sort and toss, or giveaway consistent place. It will work for me now that I know I can stick to grabbing another "de-clutter" box as I go out the door on an errand. and finally on a safety note-about my cluttered garage- I found a DEAD PETRIFIED CHIPMUNK!!--.. with clumps of dead chipmunk fur and other things I won't mention. Ewww! It was so gross!!. I had to put on double house cleaning gloves, a face mask and cleaning brooms that I knew would go straight to the garbage with the dead chipmunk...I realized that my clutter had put me and my little dog in a serious dangerous health hazard.
If my little dog had eaten that dead animal he would have been SO sick, and perhaps died, along with HUGE vet bills!!... The garage clutter is a BIG fire hazard too. So grateful the Lord has protected my little dog or me from getting sick from having a dead animal in my home with all the diseases they carry. I hope no one else out there has dead animals under boxes, but of all the thousands of people that read this I bet there is at LEAST ONE OF YOU who does!..please go check and protect your pet's and your health. and you don't have to recover from "unexpected dead animal" trauma!...or expensive Vet bills!
Believe me I , "screamed like a girl!!" when I saw that thing! ha-ha. Living now with a sense of joy and accomplishment.
God bless each of you.
Flybaby in Alabama
FlyLady here: Grab your declutter kit and your timer and fling your own clutter!
Finally I laughed at myself and told myself to get out of the car and go in the house. The next morning I went out the front door as usual and had an EMPTY driveway and thought , "WHERE is my car??".ha-ha. it was only for a moment but it made me smile. So I walked back inside and went out the door that leads into my garage... I opened the door and stood there saying, "There's a car in my garage!! ..there's a car in MY garage!." (Of course I was saying this to my little dog who is my constant companion.)
Do you know that when I let him into the garage EVEN THE DOG knew something was different and did his little "doggie happy dance spinning around and barking".??!.. It's not finished yet, but now I even get excited and want to go work in there some more because of the great sense of accomplishment it gave me that I CAN really do this. I can see progress and feel hope. I do want to share a tip that Flyday might not think is best BUT it sure worked for me.
As I worked through the piles and boxes I tried to remember the "give away, throw away, put away" motto, BUT I kept running into things that I just couldn't decide or make up my mind what to "do" with it!! I was so double minded about certain sentimental items or things I might want to keep or give away.
Then I remembered what teachers in school taught me about taking a timed test... if you don't know an answer to a question-skip that one- don't lose time-move on to the next question and keep going. THEN at the end of the test if there is still time left go back to the one that snagged you up...Wow!- for me that translated into realizing that is exactly what I was doing in the garage!.. I was getting "snagged up on ONE item when there were literally at least a hundred others to "decide" about.
So I put that principle into place. I created my own , "I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT " pile. I put the things I got stuck on into a box beside me as I went through the garage. It worked GREAT! I kept moving forward and making progress... and not stressed about "did I do the right thing with "that last thing?"... THen a couple of days later when I went back in the garage to work some more- almost without thinking about it I could glance at my "I don't know what to do with it box" and chunk out another two or three things without any double mindedness at all.
Eventually my newly titled "box" emptied out too while I kept moving along. I sure hope this might help someone else that gets "stuck" with double mindedness about clutter items. The car in the garage has given me so much hope. It is one of the "worst" areas of my entire home. NOW I can use the garage for a "staging area', as I move things out of the inside of my home to "clear a room" of unnecessary items- and use the garage to be my sort and toss, or giveaway consistent place. It will work for me now that I know I can stick to grabbing another "de-clutter" box as I go out the door on an errand. and finally on a safety note-about my cluttered garage- I found a DEAD PETRIFIED CHIPMUNK!!--.. with clumps of dead chipmunk fur and other things I won't mention. Ewww! It was so gross!!. I had to put on double house cleaning gloves, a face mask and cleaning brooms that I knew would go straight to the garbage with the dead chipmunk...I realized that my clutter had put me and my little dog in a serious dangerous health hazard.
If my little dog had eaten that dead animal he would have been SO sick, and perhaps died, along with HUGE vet bills!!... The garage clutter is a BIG fire hazard too. So grateful the Lord has protected my little dog or me from getting sick from having a dead animal in my home with all the diseases they carry. I hope no one else out there has dead animals under boxes, but of all the thousands of people that read this I bet there is at LEAST ONE OF YOU who does!..please go check and protect your pet's and your health. and you don't have to recover from "unexpected dead animal" trauma!...or expensive Vet bills!
Believe me I , "screamed like a girl!!" when I saw that thing! ha-ha. Living now with a sense of joy and accomplishment.
God bless each of you.
Flybaby in Alabama
FlyLady here: Grab your declutter kit and your timer and fling your own clutter!