Thursday, April 28, 2011

Week of beginnings.

This week was the start of a long process of sorting out my life. I know with God things will become easier. Last week i started cleanig my house again ready for my housing inspection. As I am cleaning i have more of the sense that this is not just going to be a short term fix to get it ready for inspection. but i feel with God there beside me it is easier. I have been finding this a refreshing boost to my system to be doing something to step out and stand up again as a man. its not that easy but it is happening. I am only doing what i can and not doing everything.  even though i get distracted away from cleaning.
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Get Serious

Its time to stop Living like a child, being, stubborn, immature full of pride, saying No No No No. i don't want to listen to what people are telling me I don't want to listen to what God is telling me. I know best.

Grow up, stand on my own two feet, and make the first step.

God I can't do it on my own anymore. I need Your help. Please direct me lead me and guide me as to where i need to Go to get the help I need.  Enough is enough.

Don't Neglect your Walk with GOD

Sometimes as we are going through the journey of life, especially as Christians, we can do and say all the right things. We can go to Church, be in ministry, help others, and all kinds of things. but if we do not read our bible, pray and seek God on a regular basis. it all means nothing to us.

First its easy when going to Church to be all positive, and portray that everything is OK, even if its not. We can hear the message preached and even become convicted by what is said, prompting us to go forward for prayer.  None of this is wrong and it can help us get our lives in order. But I must say if we have a hard heart that is not open to dealing with things in life, then all the Church, Prayer and conviction means nothing if we don't do anything with it. 

God is so loving, and He wants the best for us. Out of this love He will gently nudge us in the right direction prompting us, ever so gently, that we need to change. God does not want to hurt us, he only wants the best for us. God uses things like Church sermons, Good Friends and other propel, and circumstances to do this.  If we will not listed to this gentle leading, and neglect what God is clearly showing us, weather knowingly or unknowingly He may begin to Prompt us a little harder each time. God will not give up on us and even though it pains him to see us going through hard time, like any loving Farther, He may need to give us a wake up call, a big shock to the system even if it hurts us at the time,

 its all to do with our attitude. And how we live our lives not just on the surface but inside us.  no matter what we do in life we first need to remember to sort out out own problems first. Mat 7:1  Don't condemn others, and God won't condemn you.
Mat 7:2  God will be as hard on you as you are on others! He will treat you exactly as you treat them. 
Mat 7:3  You can see the speck in your friend's eye, but you don't notice the log in your own eye. 
Mat 7:4  How can you say, "My friend, let me take the speck out of your eye," when you don't see the log in your own eye? 
Mat 7:5  You're nothing but show-offs! First, take the log out of your own eye. Then you can see how to take the speck out of your friend's eye. 
we can see form this passage in Matthew that we need to sort out our own problems first and become right with God before we can be in a good place to help others out. If we have a bad attitude that is not sorted out God will return us the same attitude back to show us.

It also says in Proverbs this
Pro 16:18  Pride leads to destruction, and arrogance to downfall.
Pro 16:19  It is better to be humble and stay poor than to be one of the arrogant and get a share of their loot.
Pro 16:20  Pay attention to what you are taught, and you will be successful; trust in the LORD and you will be happy.
Pro 16:21  A wise, mature person is known for his understanding. The more pleasant his words, the more persuasive he is.
Pro 16:22  Wisdom is a fountain of life to the wise, but trying to educate stupid people is a waste of time.
Pro 16:23  Intelligent people think before they speak; what they say is then more persuasive.
Pro 16:24  Kind words are like honey---sweet to the taste and good for your health.
Pro 16:25  What you think is the right road may lead to death.
We can clearly see here that if we are full of pride it can easily lead to our downfall if we do not sort it out, we need to practice humility and listen to what God is telling us again through friends and others, the bible, church etc. if we are doing these good things and exercising the wisdom that God is teaching us then we will go far in life. Speak gently and be kind to everyone as this will defiantly cause less hassle to us. And we are not always right in what we do either.

So as Christians don't neglect our walk with God and we will go far in life. 

Monday, April 4, 2011


Interesting weekend. On Saturday i went to Hamilton to see hot air balloons. Was great left at 6.30am got home at 10.30pm. Went even hot to the Hamilton gardens. Was good.
On Sunday got go to air new Zealand open day. Friend of friend works there so we could get in. Was great to see all the behind seen places of some planes and the workshops where things go on.