Thursday, December 30, 2010

what I did.

Today i actually rallied round and mowed my lawns after several days of rain and a day to dry out the lawn. I also helped My friend Emily bless our friend Jean with his old printer. it was so nice to catch up with her.everything was great.

Lately .....

Lately not much has been happening.  I still have my garden to attend to. and my house to clean. and a Linux  computer OS i want to setup. There is lots to do.  but even though in life we may have things that need doing, if we don't stand up and just do them then they don't get done. its easy to become distracted with things that are less important, forget about God so much and suffer a bit. suffer spiritually and as result get down on life.  and never achieve what we have the potential to do so. Move forward means spending less time on the computer, watching TV and other things that may distract you and get in the way of things .

Friday, December 24, 2010

Wow christmas eve.

Its Christmas eve what a night. whatever you may be doing don't give up.  never look back and remember its not about presents or what you wanted but did not get. its the thought that counts. I don't get many presents now a days.  its more about the act of a card or something to say thank you to all you meet.  I am even bad myself at this. and am thinking what i can do.

Most of all have a fun Christmas and end of 2010 and a good start to 2011. dont forget why we are al here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Been a while.

I know its been a while since I have posted anything. well my house has not been going to well but my garden is doing ok. I have planted some cabbages, lettuces, tomatoes, strawberries, silver beet, yams and potatoes. Like anything I do, I guess I don't put as much effort as I probably should. so things take longer to get done.. I do need to get my sleeping to a decent time.I think that me being more tired than I should be is a big factor in what I do. I have been trying my best. At least I do know I do need to stand up and act like a Man and just Do it.. I am capable because I have good health, I am physically fit and able to get around and I do really get frustrated when things are upside down.

I have decided to just keep going, never Give up and Rely on Jesus Christ to help me for he is my strength, and helps me. I realise I cant do everything in my own strength even though at times I try to.

Monday, December 6, 2010

An interesting Thought.

Sometimes Things never work out how we think they are going to. We may have an understanding on what to do. we may have an idea on how to do them. The only thing id what we do with that. if we take that knowledge and pass it on to others and they improve themselves that is great. this is easy to do. but if e don't put the same things into practice ourselves we just become hypocrites. knowledge without action id useless, it becomes nothing. We all need to stop and think.

I like this article from the Word For Today a Christian daily devotional I read from time to time.

Are You Too B-U-S-Y?

Thursday, 2 December 2010

'...that Satan might not outwit us...' 2 Corinthians 2:11 NIV

Addressing a worldwide convention of demons, Satan told them: 'As long as Christians stay close to God we've no power over them, so:
(1) Keep them busy with non-essentials.
(2) Tempt them to overspend and go into debt.
(3) Make them work long hours to maintain empty lifestyles.
(4) Discourage them from spending family time, for when homes disintegrate there's no refuge from work.
(5) Overstimulate their minds with television and computers so that they can't hear God speaking to them.
(6) Fill their coffee tables and nightstands with newspapers and magazines so they've no time for Bible reading.
(7) Flood their letter boxes with sweepstakes, promotions and get-rich-quick schemes; keep them chasing material things.
(8) Put glamorous models on TV and on magazine covers to keep them focused on outward appearances; that way they'll be dissatisfied with themselves and their mates.
(9) Make sure couples are too exhausted for physical intimacy; that way they'll be tempted to look elsewhere.
(10) Emphasise Santa and the Easter Bunny; that way you'll divert them from the real meaning of the holidays.
(11) Involve them in 'good' causes so they won't have any time for 'eternal' ones.
(12) Make them self-sufficient. Keep them so busy working in their own strength that they'll never know the joy of God's power working through them. Do these twelve things faithfully. I promise–it'll work!'

Have you figured out the difference between being busy and being successful in what God's called you to do? Sometimes being B-U-S-Y just means Being Under Satan's Yoke!

This article really made me think about what we are doing in life and how these thins can distract us from what we all are meant to be doing.

Monday, November 29, 2010

New Favorites Page

Check out my Latest page Favorite Videos. Click Here You can access this on teh left side under pages.

The cleaning is going well

The cleaning is going well. Everything seems to be going well. My mum was passing through and gave me a hand. which was Good I thank here for the Help. I have been doing well as i can. still need to spend more time completing things but its working.

Also the Garden is looking better. just got to plant some more things now.

Went away.

Hi I know its been a long time since i poster anything but the latest is I went away last week for a few days, with my friend Jean. It was nice to get away and relax With my friend. We had fun meeting our friends and family there. Great all tanks for a wonderful time. Jean and I went to Tauranga and even Got to Whakatane. it was good.

Monday, November 15, 2010

a Week of gardening.

After doing some gardening over the past week. my house has began to pile up again. so i am going to have to empty the sink full of dirty dishes, onto the floor and do the dishes.  but i need to do it. so i will.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The cleaning moves

Lately i have been in teh garden which is good. doing things to set myself up growing the vegie again. only thing is my house has gotten slightly neglected. but as its nto to bad i can easily spend time over the following days to get it in order again.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Hey first week I spent some time in the garden getting it tidy i did one area and it was good.

today i got a call from my neighbor. He said " are you busy now i will come help you with your garden again seems you are making an effort".  so we got stuck in and did 30-40 mins work together; it felt so good.

Thanks again.

guyforks night.

I did it. i invited people to my place for a meal and fireworks for guyfalks   night on sat 6th November. really made me work hard to get my place tidy. I worked so hard the lounge was tidy. the kitchen and bathroom where respectable. it felt great to be able to do. i am planning to invite more people over in the future. really helps in keeping the place tidy, neat and trim. several people commented on how the place looked. awesome.

Thanks for all who came and helped me get a step further.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

More Cleaning

Hi all I have been busy cleaning again taking one step at a time. its great. being able to move from one strength to another.  The other day when my friend Came over he was shocked and could not believe that my place had become so clean. his jaw was hitting the flaw and sealing. lol.   It makes me feel so much better about myself.  although it took me a few days to get used to it. even i was shocked. i wanted some mess around. mainly just as things sllokd unnatural to my eyes. . lol how funny is that. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

2010 Christian Ministries With Disabled Trust Camp (CMWDT)

Few another camp is over it is very busy and i get spaced out by the end of it. there is so much going on that it is great. keep an eye out on the CMWDT website Click here they should have some updates from camp there i am picking.

My experience was good. I went down with Cherry and the van from Carlson school as she needed some help with getting the wheel chairs in and out. it takes a while when you only do that once a year and are not use to things. i also like  to see everyone i know from around the country. I enjoy meeting new people and encouraging them and helping them experience new things. I also like ministering to people and impacting there lives. through my Music when I have the time. and in allot of other ways.

there will be photos following this when i get my camera back next week. left in the van. over tired and stressed I guess.

Cleaning is an ongoing thing.

Cleaning is an ongoing thing. if we don't keep at it and do a bit each day then things never will get done. even if its only one thing like clean the kitchen sink then its one steep closer to getting the Job finished. Others can Judge because to them things don't seem to change and they could do it all in one big Swoop. but for us messes its not quite the same.

If people would really look and see the little things then its great. My best mate has always done that. noticed the little things even if they are not perfect. if the floor is clean and last time it was not then he will say hey that's so good i can now walk into your house, good on you. That is what we all need encouragement. I am thankful once again to the FlyLady click here  her ministry and all the Fly buddies who help also with strong encouragement and ideas to get things moving in the right direction. .

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Post coments.

Don't forget to post comments on my blog if you like.

The Big Cleanup has begun

After the Last post about my cleanup a friend pointed me to this site. FlyLady click here. I checked it out and found this Video clip that blessed me so much. It made me cry

God was Prompting me and changing my heart for several months. before i started cleaning. I must mention i am a bachelor myself, i live alone. I made a start, i just invited a friend over (something i don't do cause of the mess and embarrassment), this prompted me to start cleaning. What a nice change. i had a reason t...o clean. then my friend offered to help me do some more cleaning so i accepted and we set a date on the following Saturday. and we started cleaning. I am slowly making progress. I was so blessed by this ministry that i even went on the site and brought some rubber scrubber and other rubber brushes and a few other products. I may have been able to get them Here cheaper over the other side of the world. but i wanted to bless and support the flylady and all you do. i also got the 2 Cd downloads the fly Cd and the other children's one. and i love it.

I am needing to do more cleaning now as i took one day off without meaning to. and started to revert. but then i remembered the sink.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Clean up

The big cleanup has begun. I finally have become so sick of being lazy and living in a tip. it is important to live in a tidy place. i have been getting down and not really encouraged to  seek the Lord in a messy place. just when i was getting into this thinking and God was prompting me to start. I met a New friend who has been encouraging me to clean up. Thank you God for supplying my needs.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Gods Blessing.

Sometimes we don't always see what God is doing until it happens. When things are happening we can so easily miss what He is doing until its finished. I am shocked at how i respond to things that go on. Lately I have found  that I am growing in the strength of the Lord more and more every day, as i read the bible, pray and seek the Lord more he shows me great and mighty things.  I find His wisdom becomes part of me and the more I rely on God for my help He is the one who is there for me. To live a life believing in God is a great thing. Without God i can do nothing.   The bible says in proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
I do find this to be true for me. the more I put my trust in the Lord  the more he helps me in life.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

CFFD Masquarde Ball

Nathan and Me at the ball.
On the 18th September 2010 the CFFD Auckland held another successful event. the Masquerade ball. This was an event like no other rarely seen before here in Auckland.
This time as I was not on the Committee organising the event it felt Good to just be there to help out as part of the new Friends Of CFFD Auckland ministry. I helped beforehand on the 2 days the props where created and also with setup on the day. I found it good as i was not so stressed and was able to get on with doing on task at a time.

I had invited my friend Nathan the young man with Downs syndrome whom I work for. he is 12 years old. We organised to make our own masks which we did together. Nathan ended up winning the prize for the best mask, which was a basket of chocolates. God on Nathan. Hope he comes to our next event.


Sometimes the way God does things in my life. He brings people along, shows me stuff when i read the bible and provides for all my needs. I am thankful for what i have, what i can do and what i am learning to get hold of.

I just want to thank all the people in my life now. the friends, workmates, advocates, church people and my family members. also the people I meet out and about around the place.

Now even though things may seem tough here in New Zealand and  the  current government may look like they are not doing much to help the people out. Remember we are still blessed so much and have more than 10000's of people in life who don't have Jobs, Food to eat, and a place to stay in. New Zealand is so blessed as a nation.

My heart Goes out to all those in Christchurch who are in a crises. I pray that God will look down and seek favor on them all. Lord keep them safe from the earthquake, thank you that no one was badly hurt. Amen

Monday, October 4, 2010

Article about Me & Nathan

As some of you know i am currently working for a 12 year old young man Nathan who has Downs syndrome. Recently My support worker from CCS Disability Action asked me if i could Wright an article about Nathan and I for their next magazine so here it is the September 2010 issue from Link to September magazine click that
We got the lead article. How amazing it was to be able to Wright the Good things that have happened to me and the help i have received from CCS.magazine

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Life Is Interesting.

I have found life to be interesting. sometimes you never know what will happen. even when things Go wrong and we stuff up. in the end if we truly believe in Jesus and follow through he will be there for us. On Sunday i felt so far away from God then Amazing he spoke to my heart,and things seemed to change.Now all i have to do is put it into action. It seems hard at times and we get lazy and our natural human tendencies will resist what God is saying to us. If we listen to our heart and not God we will move away from him and not receive all He has for us. God wants us to listen to him, spend time with him and get things done.

I know that in my life, I have been away from God at times. looking back they where dark times. even though i still went to church, I was not reading my bible and living a double life. I was really messed up. i wondered Y god did not do things, I always wondered why everyone i know was receiving Gods will. I believe in Jesus y is he not here for me. The truth is that he always was there with outstretched hand waiting for me to turn around and grab hold of it.

I have met some people who give there life to Jesus and they never seem to change. there life was the same as it always had been. they do know about Him but as they did not follow His ways God never could be active in there lives, even though he wanted to. They only went to god if things where not going good and even then they would not understand why things they would ask Him for would never happen. maybe a loved one died even though they asked God to not let it happen. They become bitter inside and blame God or think God is rubbish, He never there for me.

I feel sorry for those people wandering around with a bitter heart and the weight of the world on the shoulders. IF only they Could see they need to truly put there trust in Jesus and give them all those problems and pain. Then they would be freed by His saving grace. Jesus came to the earth to show us the way. if we truly believe in that then ho will be there for us.

Monday, July 26, 2010

What a mission.

On Friday my friend Jean wanted to look a the new Flip Mino Hd video recorder. so off we went. she found one at a good price and decided to buy it. we asked if they had wall chargers for them and they sold us one. we brought it home and charged it for the recommended time. but it went flat after 1minit.

so today we went in at 4pm to try see what Disk Smith would do. we inquired and they went straight to work looking for solutions on the Internet as to what could be done. and then the guy would come back and try another thing. then away back to the Internet to see what else we could do. time was ticking away.. he tried this and that. then we realised that there was another 2moddles that had been returned. and we asked about that. the guy went and asked another staff member and found that they had come back with the exact same problem. the extra charger that was sold with the Flip Mino was not the original branded one just a generic one that they sold. so the guy asked us some questions about what went on to make a report. In the end Jean decided to ask for a refund and get them to phone if they got the proper branded chargers for them. and she may get one then. In total we ended up waiting 2hrs until the store closed. How funny all over just the wrong charger being sold with the product. If only Dick Smiths just got the correct accessory charger then this would not have happened. thats y its best to get branded chargers for all the products you have. at least then you don't run the risk of damaging your products and even void any warranties you get.