My favorite Web Sites and Applications.

Here is a list of the places I like to use. 

Sneekygeekers:  this is my blog that a friend and i post interesting things we find out about technology and our experiences with using computers etc. click here

Elevate: Christian Disability Trust: This is a group I am involved in that ministers to people with Disabilities. there are lots of different groups under this ministry. Click here 

Jazzed For Life Writers Network: A blog of interesting stories from and about christians living with a disability. click here

Fly Lady: This is FlyLady's list that has grown by leaps and bounds due to her special way of weaving housecleaning tips with homespun humor and daily musings about life. Click here

Blogger:  A blog is an online diary where you can document the goings on in your life. give your life story. Here is my blogger blog Click here  

Facebook: - this is a great place to keep in touch with other people you may meet from all around the world. it brings people together and is also a great place to keep up to date with any groups you support. Click here

Youtube: This is a great site you can find all sort's of videos here. I like seeing my favorite bands, Christian teaching, Funny comedy clips, and heaps of other stuff. get an account and you can save the things you really like. Click here

E-Sword: A bible program that has a great selection  of bible translations, commentaries, dictionary's and anything you may need for a great study experience. Click here   This is a windows application that can run in wine on some Linux os and also under wine on mac.  

E-Sword live: This is the online version of E-Sword. You can sign up with an account and have access to your study where ever you are. It saves your place so no matter where you log-in you can continue your study. Click here

JSword: This is another Good bible program that you can use on your Linux, Mac and windows computers. it has lots of features. Try it out. Click here