Monday, December 31, 2012

2012:- What a year.

Its the last day of 2012 here in New Zealand. Over the next few weeks I will be reflecting on what 2012 had meant to me and my new years resolutions.  I will be updating you on things as they pop up.

Here is an overview of 2012 around the world from google.

What has 2012 meant to you. Why not let us know by replying in comments box below.

Monday, December 24, 2012

A balanced life: - Focus on God

There comes a point in life where we as humans need to look at ourselves and see if we need to make any adjustments to things we are doing. there is a saying "if you keep doing what you always have, you will keep getting the same results".
I find it easy to get distracted with things. I want to do things my own way. I can easily get stubborn and be full of pride. These things come naturally to many of us living in this world.

I believe this has something to do with what what we focus on, spend allot of time doing.
So what do you spend your time doing most in your life and where is your focus.

It is easy to let things slip when our focus is not in the right place.
  1. Computer usage: I need to stop spending so much time on my computer, and websites such as Facebook, youtube, etc. although computers and these websites, and even the internet itself, are not bad at all it is how I have come to use them. I can easily spend most of the day on my computer, from when I get up until I go to bed.
  2. Lack of sleep: the time I end up going to bed tends to be any time from 10pm-3am as I am distracted. I am not getting enough sleep and am overtired, cranky and shitty. 
  3. Neglect:  as my focus is out of balance important things dont get done, such as my housework, chores, eating habits, my garden etc don't get done, or I struggle when doing them. 
  4. Generally: I have been starting to become very unstable and as my focus is to much on other things things are becoming unhealthy. 
so in life
Don't focus:
  • on what you don't have 
  • on what you cant do
  • on what others expect you to 
  • all your energy on things to the point that they become an addiction, or like one, to you. 
Focus on: 
  • Things that are good for you
  • getting enough sleep
  • eating well
  • living a balanced life
  • being positive
  • de-stressing yourself 
In the bible it says:
  • don't worry about things (Matthew 6:25-34 click here)
  • seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33 click here)
  • be happy and, think on good things (Phillippians 4:4-8 click here). 
  • keep all Gods commands (Proverbs 7:2 click here, John 14:21 click here)
Hope this helps you to realise, as I have, that you need to reflect on your life and check if your focus is in the right place.

Please feel free to comment below with your thoughts and ideas. on this post. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Movie Review: The Hobbit

Today I went to see the movie The Hobbit. Just the regular version.

It was a great movie. I loved it allot. I remember my dad reading the Hobbit and Lord of the rings books to my brother and I at night before bed. fond memories.

The Hobbit was great. Despite the mixed reviews this movie captured the essence or the Hobbit. following in the footsteps of The Lord of the Rings trilogy it has some big fight scenes. The dialogue was excellent and flowed well. If you dont like watching gruesome movies with battle scenes then this is not the kind of movie for you. but if you like The Lord of the Rings (2001, 2002, 2003), Narnia, Harry Potter, Avatar(2009), Willow(1998), you should like this movie.

I highly recommend this movie for you to see. 

If you have seen this movie why not share your thoughts on it in the comments below.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The walk

╚═╩═╩═╝             the walk of life. who know where it will take us
....oooO............... It may take us into danger, through trials, even into pain, it
.....(....)................ may take us into happiness, laughter, joy.
......\..(....Oooo.... Along the walk we will meet many people, see many things,
.......\_)....(....)...... do many things, experience all that life has to offer.
...............(_/........ What have you done with your life so far. and what will you
…........................ do with it in the future. That is for you to make the choices
....oooO............... where to place your feet, and what path you shall tred.
......\..(....Oooo..... Think about your walk. ans how it will affect others. other
.......\_)....(....)...... people walk into our lives for a season on their own
................)../....... journey walking their walk.
…........................ walk with passion and pride. hold your head up high and
....oooO...............  be happy with where you will go.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just an interesting rant.

I work as a support worker and have seen how the school system, here in New Zealand, works. Most times they take the funding for each child, bulk it in the class and give it to who they think needs it more. This is how the special classes can tend to run. and in some way can be a breach of basic human rights / borderline steeling.

One 14yr old With Downs Syndrome i work with, needed speech therapy, and other help. the past 2 years He got board in class, he started doing things like acting out movie scenes etc at lunch, he ended up hitting another student. Board at school he needed something to bust the boredom i guess. The school labelled him as a problem child, put him in the wrong class, and he did not do well. he started mimicking the other students behaviours, to try get attention.
His mum got so sick of this that she went to the local school, which did not have a special class, they managed to accept him, the spin off is that being around normal children his own age is great. he is more well adjusted, not so hard to work with. The school has had a big learning curve trying to get a modified curriculum in place, wasted some time and only now near the end of the year have gotten things in place.

it is hard for special classes, i guess, to manage different students. But if they looked more at individuals strengths, abilities, and needs, and did not look at a medical diagnosis. they would be able to help them better.

I am impressed when i see parents and support workers push to get your childrens needs met. its a hard thing to do. Keep it up and do your best.

To all reading this. strive to better yourself, the lives of your family and others you meet, educate them, teach them how to better their lives, empower them, help the NTs (Neurotypical, Normal people) you meet understand what its like to have asperger syndrome / autism.

Power to the People.

its been a while

wow its been a while since i have updated my blog here.  i must get back into it.  I have found a group on facebook that i share things in i should try to put some of it here on my blog i guess. wow.  ok thats all watch this space.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Amazing Worship

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Goal Setting

Well last week I was looking up flylady (ministry encouraging messy people to become clean, thru the life of The Flylady, who founded it, and others who have joined).

Flylady was talking about getting up and ready down to your laceup shoes. Not just lounging around the house in your pjs. The idea behind this is to get yourself ready, dressed, and prepared for the day. Its a process we need to go thru to prepare the mind for cleaning. If you don't prepare yourself and just stay in your pjs your mind is not prepared,  not ready to clean.

I was also talking to someone the other day about goal setting. Many people are good at having an idea, researching, and not goal setting. Goal setting is not just an idea. The end goal does not change, if it does then its not a goal but an idea.
Here is what I have been thinking about.

Be prepared for the day.
*1.Sleep: having a good sleep is what is needed. Eg start getting ready at 9.30pm to be in bed by 10pm
*2.Wake up: Make sure you getup with enough time to get ready eg Set alarm for 7.30am 2nd alarm 8am get up.
*3.Dress up each day: Each day get up have a wash. Get dressed and ready down to shoes. This helps prepare your mind for the day ahead. Even if you are not doing much, like weekends
*4.Breakfast: have a good breakfast. Helps our body get the energy it needs for the day.
*5.Ready: be ready to leave for work with enough time for you to get there.
*6.Plan: Plan out what I will do for day. Cleaning goal, shopping day etc. Good for days off work.

GOAL: set a time and date to achieve the goal buy.
PLAN: steps to achieve the goal
RESEARCH: Find  out what it may cost. Where you can get it. What exactly you will need. Etc

So goal setting and routines, can help us achieve what we want. reassess the steps  often to make sure you are on track. If not work out why, and if needed create new, or modify old steps so you can achieve the goal.

I hope this will encourage people to set goals, plans, routines and improve their daily lives. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

@ The Prayer Station

Hi all over the past 2-3months i have been going out on Friday evenings Witnessing with the Prayer Station on Queen St Down Town Auckland CBD.

The Prayer Station has been running for at least 5 or more years. They meet near the bottom of Queen St opposite Shortland St next to Burger King outside the New World entrance. from 8-10pm
The Prayer Station click here is run by a team of Dedicated people from Y.W.A.M (Youth With A Mission) Click Here, a Korean Church and a South American Church. The many people comming are Korean and South American and YWAM Students mainly people born outside New Zealand where English is their 2nd language. Even though the struggle at times communicating they, dont give up and show a passion and enthusiasm when sharing the gospel message and praying with others. This Greatly encourages me seeing them push thru their struggles and witnessing with such dedication. 

Last Friday 17 August, when getting ready to come out, I felt lead to bring my ukelele, Little did I know the significance of what this would mean.

After setting up we begin each nite to pray and worship, with some singing, for 5 minutes, before starting. As I began to play the worship lifting up to Jesus was electrifying. after this, I kept playing.

I must let you know that sometimes, when i play and begin to worship, I start to sing prophetic songs, just like praying, a new song and words start to flow.

I began to sing a prophetic song calling the people to come for prayer. and as I felt the spirit start moving I looked around and there was 3 groups of people praying, usually the conversation and prayer lasts for a few minutes but these 3 groups lasted for 10-20 mins. This is what can happen when the power of The holy spirit comes down,

It says in the bible Psalm 22:3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. KJV and Psalm 22:3 But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel.NKJV.

In the King James Version it mentioned the word inhibits from click here it says

Inhabit verb (used with object)
1. to live or dwell in (a place), as people or animals: Small animals inhabited the woods.
2. to exist or be situated within; dwell in: Weird notions inhabit his mind.

In the New King James Version it uses the word Enthroned from click here it says

Enthroned verb (used with object), en·throned, en·thron·ing.
1. to place on or as on a throne 
2. to invest with sovereign or episcopal authority.
3. to exalt.

To sum up the passage it is saying that when we start to praise God, He is inside with us, that we are sustained by Him, that God sits with us, we have invited Him inside us, That he is exalted (lifted up). when we start to praise Him.

I feel that the Prayer Station encompasses this passage very well God is with them because they Give all the Praise, honor, glory and look to Him to sustain them in His ministry.

Feel free to come on down on a Friday night between the hours of 8-10pm. Pray for People, Talk with people, pray and intercede while the team are praying and talking to others. Or Just remember the team in prayer over this time.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Daily Motivator - Where your attention goes

I found this article very interesting. i say be careful what you focus on in life. 
The Daily Motivator - Where your attention goes

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How do you spend your time?

I was thinking the other day. How do i really use my time.  Do all the things I end up doing in life really matter.
Time is something special. how do you end up using it.
Do you try to do to much? 
We can fill our time up with lots of things. have you added up all the things you try to fit in each day. how much time you spend on them. sometimes we feel like if we are not doing anything that life is not worthwhile. Even something that is good if it is done to much might end up becoming bad.
Do you take enough time for yourself? Remember sometimes less is more. Taking time out to relax in any way. sitting down and relaxing, with some quite music, reading a book, even siting in silence, these and more can help us to relax. Find something that helps you relax and fit it in your day.

Web Review. - Give Me An Answer

I have watched  Cliff on Shine TV the Local New Zealand Christian TV channel. Quote From His site ¨The “Give Me An Answer” ministry began as an outgrowth of the dialogues Cliffe Knechtle has had with students on various university campuses throughout the United States.¨ I find the answers he gives to questions he is asked, challenging the thinking people have about life, and Christianity. People have many misconceptions based mostly on what other people might say, and they have not done much personal study of the Bible, Christianity and religion, and life. Cliff brings a challenge to the thinking many people have. to Visit his site click here

Chat, Communication and How to act.

It is not easy for many people to communicate effectively, especially with txting, chatting online, emailing, facebook, Twitter, google+ etc. Even when we are talking with people face to face we can often not realise how we come across.  
  • Presentation: It is a good thing to always present yourself in a neat and tidy manner. Shower often, have clean cloths, a tidy environment to live and work in. These things show others what we are like and help us to feel good about ourselves. 
  • Attitude: Our attitude can affect our communication. When we have a sense of pride in ourselves, not thinking we are better than others, we feel good, and people pick up on it. The same goes if we are not feeling so good and have a bad attitude towards life. people pick up on the negative signals we show. A good positive attitude, or a negative one, can affect how we communicate even online. 
  • Informal communication: The modern forms of communication. This can be taken the wrong way easily. I have had many  txt communication errors  that have quickly turn into an argument over nothing. a quick phone call clears it up in a few minutes. Informal communication is not face to face with a person so you don´t see their body language, gestures and hear there voice tone all a major part of communication. How you say something makes a big difference. 
  • I notice on facebook when people share things and comment on others posts, including me, they share and say things they would not generally do face to face with people. we need to remember to read what we have written first before publishing it, pressing the enter key. If you have many friends on facebook etc they can see it, do you want everyone to know what you have written. when you are commenting on somebodies post think carefully I find its easy to be negative even without meaning to be. Weather facebook, chat, txt, email,  this can also be true as well. 
Below is adapted from something I wrote in my personal journal.  

My new chat and communication rules. Changing behaviors to come across better. 

  1. Less time: limit the amount of time spent on chat.
  2. Come in and chatChat generally in the room.
  3. Spell better: Make sure to type well, use automatic chat dictionary, Presentation is a good key.
  4. Look: Look at what you are typing before hitting enter, does it make sense, etc
  5. Don’t help too much: Make sure when helping its something easy, simple, that I really know. Don´t try something complicated cause sometimes its hard to communicate.
  6. I don´t know everything: Don´t try to sound like you know everything.
  7. Don´t tell people what to do: This sounds rude. just converse with them. ItÅ› easy to sound too serious and can come across like a sgt major.
  8. Be Happy: Be less serious and sound more happy
  9. Don´t criticize: Try not to be negative and go overboard on everything
Don´t sound irritating. Treat people, especially  friends, as you want them to treat you and show more respect. 
Things will start to flow if you follow these steps. Everything in life will become better because it will show good fruits. 

As a christian before doing anything I try to remember these things
W.W.J.D What Would Jesus Do W.D.J.D What Did Jesus Do
D.O.G Depend On God 
FROG Forever Rely On God / Fully Rely On God 
P.U.S.H Pray Until Something Happens

Friday, July 13, 2012

Interesting points

Here is something interesting I read the other day, it made me think, so I am writing this up. 

  1. Why can you easily sleep through church, but stay awake for a 3 hour movie?
  1. Why is it hard to pray, but easy to cuss (say something bad)?
  1. Why is it hard to repost a Godly articule, but easy to repost the mean ones?
  1. Why can people worship a celebrity, but not God? 
  1. Are you afraid people will laugh and make fun at you?
  1. Afraid you will look silly?
  1. Scared of what people will think of you?
  1. Scared of what they will say?
  • Jesus said "if you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of my father? 
  • Matthew 10:32-33. 
  • Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

We can so easily ignore this or say "wow, what a great post".  but to actually do it, stand out and make a difference, is not that easy. 

We are to stand up and be different, as we spend time with Jesus daily, and become more like Him. not to be the same as the world, but being different, set apart for Gods will.  

If you are a Christian and believe in Jesus, and start living out your faith in a new way.See what will happen

Monday, May 21, 2012

Joy Ministries Camp May 2012

I had a great weekend at the Joy Ministries Camp for people who happen to have an instinctual disabilitie (buddies). it was great. The camp Theme was Heaven is so Real. and the speaker gave a wonderful message that spoke to all.

I had fun being on the music team and leading the people in worship. it was so refreshing. To see the Joy on the faces of everyone was electric.

There was lots of fun activities:

  • arts and crafts
  • sports afternoon
  • seeing old friends
  • meeting new friends.
  • wonderful message
  • fun 
  • relaxation
  • and more 
These camps provide a great outlet for the buddies. They have the freedom to be themselves, without the constraints  of their usual life. They are treated as normal people for a change and they really respond to this. Its amazing how some of them remember you even after not seeing them for 3 or more years.
It was a fun time for all involved. Everyone will certainly take away something no matter what it may be.

A big THANKS to the camp committee who put in allot of hard work organising everything
thanks to the speaker who gave such a wonderful message.
Thanks for all the helpers who came. without them this camp would not have been able to goo ahead.
and lastly Thanks to all the Buddies who came. we all enjoyed your wonderful smiles and seeing you have a great time.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

life is great.

well finally i have managed to set up my here  please follow it an keep up to date with things. if you do so then i can apply for advertising and start earning money.

its a great thing i like sharing what i am doing. Help a brother out and why not let your friends know to.

if you have any ideas or websites you would like me to review leave a note on the site and i  will take a look.

remember its all about technology.