What is Linux

  Linux is a completely different type of operating system (os) for your computer. Unlike Windows and Mac it is free to download and use. you can change it to your individual needs. there are many different types of Linux operation system built on the Linux base. One thing to remember You can run some windows apps in Wine app but this may take some setting up. you may not be able to run your favorite windows or mac programs. There maybe good alternative apps that are native to Linux. I still find that although I use a Linux version most of the time occasionally I need windows to do small things, but not that much anymore, especially as the linux community is growing.

Some good information can be found here  Click here.

  As there are so many different types of Linux and it can get quite confusing, first you need to think about what you use your computer for. This will help determine the type of Linux you may want to use. If you talk to different Linux users they will suggest there favorite version as the best Linux. it comes down to personal preference and also what you know.  When you have chosen an os you want to try all you do is download the .iso file for it. then burn it to a CD/DVD (I use re-writable for testing), put the CD in and away you go. Most Linux os can be run directly from the cd so you can see what they are like, what they can do. This is called a Live CD or Live boot. if you like it you can then install the os to a hdd or paartition your hdd..

  If you mainly use your computer for emails, facebook, looking up things on youtube and other general browsing then most Linux os  will be able to give you that.

Here are the main Linux os i use and recommend to New Linux users (noobs, nobies).

Puppy Linux: This is a great little os and  it has features not found in allot of other linux os. There are now many different versions of puppy Linux all tailored for different needs. but puppy linux is good especially if you have an older computer that cant run the more bigger modern os. you can bring that old slow computer back to life. for some basic information Click here.

Linux mint: This was my first Linux operating system I tried. It has support for allot of hardware and can run most things, eg printers, scanners, cameras etc,  without the need for drivers and its easy to find them if you do. Linux mint is great if you want an operating system that has allot of features and feels like windows.  Click here